Jason Gray
The thing about getting to know Jason Gray is that you immediately want to share him with other people. In that way Jason is a lot like a good movie, or a great book, or some barely discovered band whose music makes you remember what it was you liked about music in the first place. Which brings us full circle, because Jason’s unique brand of emotional, thought-provoking, alternative-pop is that sort of music, and listening to it isn’t much different than having Jason Gray sitting in your living room and telling you what’s on his mind. In either case, you really wish there was someone else there to share it with.
“As I’ve gotten older my view of worship has less to do with the songs I might sing on Sunday morning and more to do with the kind of life I live,” Jason explains. “If we truly want to bring God the glory and honor we always sing about, I think we do so by the way we live our lives: the kind of spouse, parent, or friend that we are, the way we serve Jesus by serving the least of these. So Jason Ingram and I set out to write a song that on the surface might feel like other worship songs you might sing on a Sunday morning, but lyrically is saying something new that we hoped would broaden our understanding of what worship could be.”
Heavily involved with World Vision, summer youth camps, and other ministry opportunities, Jason seeks to live a life that increasingly reflects the sort of worship and service he writes about. In fact, if the songs on Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue are any indication, Jason Gray seems to stake everything on the hope that our hearts, our lives, even our wounds and brokenness, will find complete renewal in that massive story of redemption of which each of our lives are a part.
Blue Gate Music Hall
175 N Van Buren St
Shipshewana, IN 46565