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Breakfast with Santa December 7,14, 21

Breakfast with Santa!

Event Starts
Saturday, Dec 7 2024 @ 8:30 AM
Event Ends
Saturday, Dec 21 2024

Pick your date:  December 7, 14 and 21, 2024

Guests who join Santa for breakfast at the Blue Gate will enjoy a fun breakfast, story-time with Santa, crafts, and each child will have their own individual time to tell Santa what they want for Christmas. Expect a beautiful and fun experience with music, laughter, and lots of special surprises!

Parents are encouraged to bring their cameras for photos during the event and when their children visit Santa.  Encourage your children to think about what they’d write to Santa, they’ll be able to write and then deliver their letters!

Breakfast includes:  Pancake bar with toppings, sausage, scrambles eggs, milk, juice & coffee.  Toppings include maple syrup, mini chocolate chips, butter, peanut butter, whipped cream, bananas, Christmas sprinkles and more!


Blue Gate Restaurant

Price and Ticket Info

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