Davis Mercantile
Shipshewana, IN 46565
(260) 768-7300
The Davis Mercantile is home to over twenty truly great stores under one roof, from candles and quilts to entertainment and food, you’re sure to find something for everyone to do!
1st Floor: JoJo’s Pretzels, Lolly’s Fabrics, The Lang Store, Village Boutique, Sarah Davis Ltd, Simple Sounds, Kitchen Cupboard
2nd Floor: Options, Back Home Again, Shipshe Casuals, Truly Yours, Puzzles Plus
3rd Floor: Millie’s Market Cafe, Aunt Millie’s Candy, Red Wagon, Dentzel Carousel
Lower Level: Head Over Heels, Raber Patio Enclosures & Furniture, Riegsecker Cabinet Co
2024 Special dates/hours:
Memorial Day 10-5
Independence Day 10-5
Labor 10-5
11/9/24 Light Parade 10-9
Thanksgiving Eve 10-3
Thanksgiving Day CLOSED
Wana Night Out 10-7
Christmas Eve 10-3
Christmas Day CLOSED
New Year’s Eve 10-3
New Year’s Day CLOSED
Individual shop hours may vary
Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm