Gene Stratton Porter State Historical Site
Rome City, IN 46784
In 2014, the Gene Stratton-Porter Society began operating nearly 100 acres of the Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site near Rome City, Indiana. These 100 acres had historically been farmed, including during Gene’s lifetime. The Society saw the need to return the land to valuable prairies and wetlands and with the assistance of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Hemingway Wetlands were born.
Prairies have been planted in native grasses and wildflowers and are closely monitored and managed through prescribed burns and other practices. The wetlands were created where water would naturally pond, some more vernal and temporary than others. These wetlands have proven invaluable to many species of waterfowl looking for safe habitat to rest on migration or stay and raise young.
The Hemingway Wetlands are so named in honor of GSP Society Past President Ted Hemingway and GSP Society Board Member Tedra Hemingway. These dedicated volunteers were instrumental in enrolling this land in conservation programs and sharing the importance of this work with the community, helping acquire funds and supporters of all kinds.